How many days is this event?
The event runs from Friday evening through Monday morning – accommodations are for Friday, Saturday and Sunday night. We have the chalet up until 10am Monday morning. If you want to stay over Monday night though, it should be easy enough to arrange renting cabins for an extra night with Blue Mountain.

How come we can’t book a cabin through you this year?
Organizing all the cabins is a real headache when we don’t have enough people to completely book out the site. It’ll be easier to just get people who want cabins to book directly through Blue Mountain Adventure Park. In the future if we have the numbers we’ll go back to booking the cabins as a group since we’ll probably get a discount doing it that way, but for the moment folks should book independently.

Is the event child-friendly?

You’re welcome to bring your kids if you want, though most of the attendees will be adults wanting to play grown-up games so if they’re not old enough to play games they might be bored without many other children around. But Blue Mountain Adventure Park has plenty of family activities you might be interested in partaking in while you’re here!

Is alcohol allowed?

You can bring alcohol and drink it in the cabins and around the firepits with each cabin. Just don’t go wandering the grounds with it.

How do I get there?
Google Maps will get you there pretty reliably, but there are also directions on Blue Mountain Adventure Park’s website.