Bring bedding – pillow, sheets or a sleeping bag or the like.

Bring enough food to feed yourself for a weekend. There is a refrigerator in each of the cabins. There’ll be several people using each kitchen, so please be courteous about how much space you take up – you might want to store some things in your car if you can. There is a very simple concession with some basic hot food on site, but the nearest shops/restaurants are about 30 minutes away.

Bring all the other stuff you might need for a weekend away from home of course – toiletries, change of clothes, etc.

Please don’t bring products with strong scents – don’t want to give anyone headaches, y’know?

You can bring your dog if you like, but don’t bring it inside the chalet and check with your cabinmates, as you never know who might have an allergy. You’ll have to make sure to check that you can comply with Blue Mountain’s pet policy, too.

If you’re able to, bring a signed copy of Blue Mountain’s waiver if you’re able. If you don’t have a printer or forget to bring your waiver, we’ll have printed copies at HQ, it is just a bit more convenient to come with yours already signed.

And, of course – bring games! Bring roleplaying games, story games, card games, board games, and small live action roleplaying games. There’s usually a thread on the Facebook group about what people are planning to bring each year.